Opel Motorsport Club
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Opel Motorsport Club

Our Story

The Opel Motorsport Club was started by a number of like-minded Southern Californian Opel aficianados who wanted to build a community whose members would be able to help each other maintain and enhance their cars, and who wanted to get out in their cars and have fun with them. Auto-crossing was a favorite activity in the beginning, while a couple of brave souls actually did wheel-to-wheel racing. For the non-racers there were plenty of activities, starting with monthly meetings where larger events were planned. Events such as poker runs, cruises up the Pacific Highway, and the biggest of them all, the annual picnic, where in some years people came from all over the country.

The club grew, adding members and chapters all across the United States, Canada, and even Europe. At its peak membership was just shy of 400. Alas, people got older, their cars got older, and membership gradually declined to around 150, which is where it has been for the past 10+ years.

With members being spread all over the country it was difficult to keep putting on big events so people tend to meet at whatever large car show is within a reasonable driving distance.

The one constant for the club has been it's newsletter, The Blitz. At one time, before the Internet, it was one of the few ways people could learn new tricks for keeping their cars going, or hear about adventures people were having in and with their cars. Eventually, with no major club activities to promote or report on, The Blitz focused more on technical and Opel lifestyle issues. Gradually it grew in size, it's quality steadily improved, it went color, and now it is the national magazine catering to owners of classic Opels.

The Blitz, May 1996
The Blitz, August 2005
The Blitz, January 2013
The Blitz, Winter 2019
